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163 Crowning Glory

164 Halloween Rags




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Crowning Glory 顶上之光

Historically, tiaras have adorned the heads of the beautiful and not so beautiful. Wearing a tiara has been a sign of nobility or royalty since ancient times. The designs have varied greatly over the centuries. A tiara found in the tomb of an Egyptian princess is so delicate it resembles a wreath made of real flowers. This tiara was made of gold wire and precious gems.

A sign of honor, gold or silver tiaras were worn by Greeks. Those of high social standing wore tiaras at weddings and banquets. Not wanting to be left out, Roman men wore tiaras just like their women. Roman tiaras were made of gold and were placed right above the eyebrows.

By medieval times, tiaras and other jewelry for the head became part of everyday dress. But, again, only royalty and aristocrats wore them. It was something a respectable lady had to have to pass down to the next generation. Today, catching a glimpse of someone wearing a tiara on the street is rare, unless she happens to be a bride on her way to her wedding. Catching a man wearing one would be a true rarity.





Halloween Rags 万圣夜酷我音乐苹果版收音机在哪,来搞鬼!

On October 31, the ancient Celts celebrated Samhain pronounced sow-in]. It was the day before their New Year and when they believed the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead was vague. It was thought that the ghosts of the dead returned to Earth on this night, so they established many rituals to please these spirits. Led by their priests, they would don animal heads and skins and dance around a bonfire.

Besides their fear of evil spirits returning to Earth to cause trouble and damage crops, the Celts also depended on their priests to predict people's futures. Since November 1 marked the start of their harvesting season, it was important to please the spirits and foresee the future.

Over time, Roman and Christian traditions were added to the old Celtic celebration of Samhain, which became known as All-hallows Eve, or Halloween. Though it became a Christian holiday, people who ventured outdoors still wore costumes on the night of October 31. This was their way to trick the ghosts into believing they were fellow spirits roaming Earth on this night.

Today, especially in the United States, children are dressed in scary costumes and travel door-to-door asking for candy on Halloween. Costumes do not have to be scary, though. Parents especially enjoy dressing up their children in costumes made to look like cartoon characters or superheroes. When the occupant of a home answers the door, the children scream, "Trick or treat!" If they are not offered a treat, older children may later pull pranks on that household. It is believed that these tricks are similar to ones evil spirits once played as they wandered the Celtic lands.

古凯尔特人在十月三十一日庆祝Samhain节 (意即“夏天的结束”);这天同时也是新年前夜,他们相信当日阳间与阴间的界线变得非常模糊酷我音乐苹果版收音机在哪。他们认为死者的鬼魂当晚会回到人间,所以创立各种讨好鬼魂的仪式。例如在祭司的主持下,他们会戴上动物的头,披上毛皮,然后围着火堆跳舞。




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